Blog #10–1/31/21

2 min readFeb 1, 2021

Today was the final day to help out with my friend’s horror game before he submits it later tonight. He asked me to do him one more favor for him. One thing that was missing from his game were sound effects. He wanted to make the game sound and feel more interactive so he preceded to ask me to record some sound effects for him.

Since some of the effects I had to make outside, I resorted to using my phone. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, my phone didn’t have some sort of recording feature, which meant that I had to download a microphone app from the Google plus store. Once I did that, I recorded the following: footsteps walking and running, knocking on a door and window, rattling a locked door handle, and a dumpster being kicked. Alongside of recording sound effects, I also had to provide some voice overs. I recorded myself saying the following words and phrases: Hello, let me in, I have a tape to return, are you open, hey I see you, hey you, open the door, and I know you’re in there. I did about 4 to 5 takes of each.

After that, I uploaded them to Google drive. Once I did that, I downloaded all of the recordings and imported them into Adobe Audition. I separated each track and saved them as their own files. It was long and tedious but once I was done, I compressed the separate files into different zip folders. All of this took me about 3 hours to complete.

After I shared the files with my friend, he texted me saying how pleased he was with the voice recordings and sound effects. Once he uploads his game to the website called,, I will provide the link in case anyone wants to check it out.




I currently attend the U of A and I am interested in creating and recording music.